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Pageant News 25 September 2008

Andy Robinson of Affording Gambia VIP is happy to announce the launch of the new 2008/2009 season's "Discovering with Discount" Guide and Promotion Books.

This year the Promotion Book has increased the hotel and restaurant portfolio to 38, shops and boutiques to 9, and still has 50% discount in the country's 2 Golf courses - so basically using just one voucher could cover the original cost of the book.

The 116 page full colour Guide Book (now a separate item) has a new language section to help with the basics and has been updated so any currency changes are as relevant as possible.

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If, as a result of visiting this Pageant page, you decide to buy these books online, Andy will generously donate £1 to Pageant for one book or £2.50 if you buy both.

  1. To buy online, visit Affording Gambia VIP website:

  2. Read more about the books by clicking 'About the Guide' or 'About the Promotions'

  3. From any page on the website, click 'Buy now' or 'Click here to buy online'

  4. Select the quantity of books required, and click 'Buy'

  5. On the 'View basket' page, select your delivery and currency options, and then type 'pag' in the box below where it says 'Please provide your promotion code:' This will trigger the appropriate donation. Now click 'Checkout'.

Pageant is a UK Charity - Registered No 1093963

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