Frances Boswell and friends are off to The
Gambia in April to visit schools, sponsored children and their
families. The Pageant team will be visiting three nursery schools
for some fun lessons in art, English and sports. They did very much
the same last year with "creative Art and Science lessons", but
really just FUN, FUN, FUN. You can see how much the kids enjoyed themselves in the
photos below. Frances also kept us up to date by daily reports on
News Blog,
and we collected these posts onto
this page for
your convenience.
Planned activities include sponge
printing, painting and collage work all based around the well-known children's book 'Rumble in the Jungle', a Sports Day featuring a sack
race, egg and spoon race and skipping, and some mask making and
acting! The Gambian children rarely work with resources at school,
so Pageant endeavour to take fun and re-usable resources to each
school so the children can get as much use out of them as possible.
We would LOVE your help to buy the following:
Paint, palettes, sponges, paint brushes,
scissors, paper, tissue paper, feathers, glue, hoops, balls, bean
bags, sacks, as well as much more.
To raise money Frances and Rachel will be living on less than
£1 a day for the working week. This will have to buy all of their food
and drink, and they won't be accepting any edible freebies.
They did it! - update 29 March 2012
Frances and Rachel actually survived for a
whole working week for just £1 a day for all their food and drink.
Rachel lived off value pasta with 17p curry sauce (complete with
lumps!!!) and Frances survived on cheap bread with (furry) value
jam!! They also ate baked beans, jacket potatoes, carrots, chopped
tomatoes and eggs as special treats. They definitely missed coffee
and fresh fruit and were rather hungry - especially at bedtime. They
raised over £500 although the figure is still rising so actually
it's more like £600 now - and that doesn't include GiftAid. They
would like to thank everyone who sponsored them. They have bought
all the art and sports supplies for their trip, and are taking the
remainder of the money with them to spend on other materials and
worthwhile causes while they are there. They leave for The Gambia in
a few days, and Frances promises to keep us up to date on the
News Blog. We are also collecting
all her posts in one place on
this web page.