Chestnut Grove Academy are holding a Comedy Banefit
Evening on Friday 11 October. The proceeds will be split
between Pageant and a village building project in Cambodia.
Tickets are £15, and can be obtained
from the school office during the week, or at the school gates
at 8:30am on both 4th and 11th October. The evening will start
at 7.30pm, finishing around 10.30pm. There will be a 40 minute
interval, during which there will be nibbles, cupcakes
(donated by
Lola's Cupcakes), beer
(donated by
Belleville Brewery), wine
and soft drinks.
They have a
star-studded line up compered by Arthur Smith. The evening
will start with a short talk about Pageant's work given by
Pippa and Ian. From then on things can only get better, with
turns from Kevin Day, Ivo Graham
Suzi Ruffell.
If you live in South
London or even further afield, why not treat yourself to a
laughter filled evening, and at the same time help the
school's projects in developing countries.
Phone the school
office 020 8673 8737 for more information.