PAGEANT - "Education is the future"
Gambia Maps
Google Maps of Pageant Schools
We have constructed some Google Maps which show the exact location of many of the schools Pageant is involved with. These can be seen by clicking on the links below. Make sure you select the 'Satellite' view, and in many cases you can zoom in to see the actual buildings. Please contact Pageant to tell us if we have got anything wrong.
We have also mapped some of the UK schools which have strong ties with Pageant and schools in The Gambia. For further information on schools please see our Gambian Schools Index and our UK Schools Index.
GTS Maps
Gambia Tourist Support (GTS) produced a series of maps of The Gambia. As well as road maps of all the Gambian regions, there are maps showing hotels, entertainments, local taxis and buses, and also some aerial photographs. Unfortunately GTS has closed, and its website is no longer available. However, Pageant has published copies of these maps, and they are all accessible from our GTS Maps Page
Access Gambia
Access Gambia is a web portal for Gambian information websites concerned with news, commerce, business, tourism etc. The Access Gambia Maps Page has links to a collection of general road maps of Banjul and The Gambia, maps centred on towns and places of interest, and eight maps showing hotel locations in popular resort areas.
Ezilon Maps
There are three Maps of The Gambia, showing towns, roads and administrative regions.
Falling Rain Directory
This is a directory of many cities, towns and villages in many countries
including The Gambia. As well as showing their positions on outline maps,
the directory gives precise latitude and longitude, which can then be
used to pinpoint the place in Google Maps.
See the
Falling Rain Gambia Directory