PAGEANT - "Education is the future"


home > information > membership

We welcome all new members. The membership donation shown below covers our administration expenses, allowing all the funds that are donated for sponsorship or projects to reach their targets. Membership fees are due annually on 1 June and members receive an annual newsletter, published in July.

Child Adult Family School/Group
£5.00 £10.00 £15.00 £20.00

You can download a Membership Form below. This includes a Gift Aid Declaration which allows Pageant to reclaim an extra on the money you give, making your support achieve much more without costing you another penny. There is also a separate Gift Aid Declaration Form, which gives you more options, such as Gift Aid for donations you made in the past. If you click the links below, you will be able to read more about Gift Aid before downloading forms in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.

You can find more about membership, sponsoring a child's education, or buying Pageant ethical gifts by following the links below:

Pageant is a UK Charity - Registered No 1093963